— 不灭之火 —


Match Intro:

Atrocitus: Sinestro seeks your power! 
Scarecrow: I would gladly wear his yellow ring. 
Atrocitus: I will make his Corps burn!

Batman: Why should I trust you? 
Green Lantern: The Guardians do. 
Batman: They also trusted Sinestro.

Batman: Let's see if you still got it. 
John Stewart: I'm good enough for the guardians. 
Batman: They also trusted Sinestro.

Firestorm: I hear you nearly took down Superman! 
Black Canary: I would have if it weren't for Sinestro. 
Firestorm: That is seriously freakin' cool!

Gorilla Grodd: Sinestro should have recruited me. 
Green Lantern: Heh, even he has standards. 
Gorilla Grodd: Which clearly, you did not meet.

Gorilla Grodd: Sinestro should have recruited me. 
Green Lantern: Well I don't like your yellow streak. 
Gorilla Grodd: Bravado can't hide your fear.

Gorilla Grodd: Sinestro should have recruited me. 
Superman: For what, Grodd? 
Gorilla Grodd: To show you what is truly frightening.

Green Lantern: I never should have been on your side. 
Black Adam: You accepted Sinestro's wisdom. 
Green Lantern: He was a liar, like you!

Green Lantern: Got a Sciencell with your name on it. 
Brainiac: The Guardian's prison can not hold me. 
Green Lantern: That's what Sinestro said.

Green Lantern: Agh, between you and Sinestro, I can't sleep. 
Scarecrow: I know what keeps you awake. 
Green Lantern: Yeah, too much Coffee and dumb villian banter.

Green Lantern: I never should have been on your side. 
Wonder Woman: Would it be so hard to trust us again? 
Green Lantern: That's what Sinestro said.

John Stewart: Is this one of Sinestro's nightmares? 
Atrocitus: You dare insult me, human!? 
John Stewart: Let's see how you handle that ring.

John Stewart: If it isn't the great dictator. 
Black Adam: The last time we met, you lost. 
John Stewart: This time, Sinestro can't help you.

John Stewart 1: Is this one of Sinestro's nightmares? 
John Stewart 2: If it is, I'm the real John Stewart. 
John Stewart 1: That's gonna be a problem.

John Stewart: Is this one of Sinestro's nightmares? 
The Joker: Here to haunt your every dream. 
John Stewart: That remains to be seen.


The Joker: Look! Sinestro's behind you! 
Atrocitus: You'll not ridicule me again!

The Joker: Look! Sinestro's behind you! 
Green Lantern: Not falling for that one. / Never heard that one before.

Mid Fight:

Superman to Green Lantern:Sinestro was right about you.


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